Thursday, June 25, 2015

Mount Elizabeth Station 17-18 June

Mount Elizabeth Station is about 170 km from Drysdale River Station. It’s about 30 km from the Gibb River Road. There are 2 gorges here. The smaller one Warla Gorge is easily accessible, but  Wannumurra Gorge was more difficult to access to we decided to bypass it. It was 20 km from the campground to Warla Gorge which is on the Hann River. It was a lovely spot to swim, but even though we are here for 2 days it’s not worth the 40 km round trip to do it again. I kept cool this morning doing a load of washing by hand.

Warla Gorge

The campground here is large with plenty of choice of sun or shade and plenty of wood to gather for a fire. We were very fortunate in our choice of neighbours last night as our second fridge stopped working and he was able to help David diagnose the problem and fix it. It was a blown fuse in the battery box, and we had a collection of miscellaneous fuses (thanks to Jan and Jack) so all is now well.

Although there isn’t a lot to do here we are having a day’s break from driving and corrugations and a major clean up and re-organise of the car. I have to reduce (stopping is impossible) the amount of rattling in the back of the car, much of it from the Weber, before something breaks. Our friends will be pleased to see that the Maxtrax have escaped from their box. I needed the cardboard for packing.

Re-organisation in progress
The Weber doesn't rattle any more

The major event, as far as David was concerned, was that he was able to watch the State of Origin at the homestead with a few of the station workers. I didn’t bother. Unfortunately the series is now even so there will be more pressure to find an appropriate place to watch the decider.

We are now about halfway through our journey along the Gibb River Road which is currently in excellent condition as grading is going on at the moment. It is easy to travel at about 80 kph, even  towing.

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